Home Improvement

How to Keep Your Home Clean and Healthy

The global novel coronavirus pandemic reached more than 2.1 million cases as of April 17. There are over 677,000 cases in the United States alone. The northeast is the epicenter of the U.S. epidemic. New York has seen 14,000.

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These numbers make it understandable why you may feel fearful and anxious. It might seem like you are wondering how to prevent the coronavirus spreading to your home. The good news is that there are many preventative steps you can take to protect your family and home.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, social distancing is a way of staying at home and keeping at least six feet away from others when you leave the house. Shelter in place orders have been implemented by many states to restrict movement that isn’t essential.

Essential activities include daily actions such as grocery shopping and visiting the doctor. This list could vary from one state to the next. You should always check the most recent news if you are in a state with shelter in place orders.

It’s important to know how to prevent your home becoming a breeding place for coronavirus while you’re still inside. These are some cleaning tips that will help you disinfect your home.

Here are 10 ways to disinfect and clean your home during the coronavirus

It takes a lot of cleaning to learn how to eradicate coronavirus from your home. You should use your regular cleaning methods more often and pay particular attention to high-traffic areas. While you should try to stay in your home as much possible, it is important to take care of any areas that require attention. These steps will help you keep your home clean and safe.

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Step 1: Wash your hands thoroughly

Wash your hands using the CDC guidelines before you start cleaning. Warm soapy water is recommended for your hands. Make sure to wash your hands every time you enter your home. It is a great way to avoid spreading the disease in your home.

Additional note: Disposable gloves are a good idea to use when out in public. Make sure you dispose of them immediately and wash your hands with the steps below.

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Step 2: Wear protective gear and clothing

Disposable gloves are also a good idea when cleaning. If you don’t have enough disposable gloves, you can wash your reusable rubber gloves. Separate gloves are best for the kitchen, bathroom, as well as other areas of your home.

You may want to use a mask while you are cleaning. You will be able to breathe in harmful chemicals and prevent you from touching your face. In an effort to reduce the spread of germs, the CDC recommends that everyone wear masks when they go out in public.

Step 3: Wash each surface thoroughly

Cleansing is the first step in removing germs and viruses from surfaces. Most pathogens can be removed with warm soapy water. You can use a sponge or cloth you can wash after each use. Make sure to reach corners and cracks with your sponge.

Step 4: Clean each surface thoroughly

Disinfecting the area after cleaning is the final step to kill any viruses still present. Clorox Wipes and Lysol Spray are recommended disinfecting products by the Environmental Protection Agency. These products are often out of stock. However, you can make a CDC approved solution using household bleach and water to disinfect surfaces.

Step 5: Disinfect packages

We are sure you have been shopping online during the pandemic. You should disinfect any packages you get in the mail. Coronavirus can survive on cardboard for up 24 hours, according to studies.

Step 6: Clean out all grocery and store-bought items

When you get back from the store, disinfect any store-bought products. If you receive your groceries, this applies as well. You can quickly dispose of any products in their original containers and make your own. If you are unable to do so, wipe the packaging with a disinfectant. Use produce-safe soap and water to wash your fruits and veggies. Wash your bags after you return from the store if they are yours.

Step 7: Get rid of all takeout containers.

Takeout and delivery orders should be exchanged as soon as possible. Restaurants have improved their sanitation procedures in order to keep their doors open. However, it is best to avoid eating on cardboard or plastic surfaces. Plastic surfaces may allow Coronavirus to survive for up to two to three more days.

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Step 8: Wash your clothes regularly

Regularly wash your clothes just as you would normally. You can also wash clothes that you take outside or to the shop immediately. To kill pathogens, wash your clothes as often as possible with warm to hot water. Dry your clothes using high heat. Make sure to disinfect all surfaces that dirty clothes come in contact with, including your hamper or coat rack.

You can limit the number of trips you make to public laundromats if you don’t have a washing machine. Keep at least six feet away from other people while you are there and wear gloves and a cloth mask.

Step 9: Remove anyone in your household who is ill

It is best to isolate any person in your household who becomes ill. Even if they haven’t been tested for coronavirus yet, it is best to keep them safe and quarantine them from any other members of the household. You should ensure they have food, cleaning supplies, as well as a trashcan. Use gloves and wash your hands after handling anything they have touched.

Step 10: Sanitize high-traffic areas regularly

Daily, clean high-traffic areas. This is especially important when you are leaving the house or returning home. Below are some common surfaces and objects.

These surfaces and objects should be cleaned!

It may be the most difficult to forget about objects that we touch every day. These items are likely to be the first things you see when you return home.

Make sure you clean and sanitize your following items regularly:

Doorknobs and handles: The doorknob is what you use to open your home. Once you are back inside, spray, a solution or wipe the entire knob with disinfectant. Make sure to include the knobs in every room of your home, and handles in your kitchen. Think about all the things you use every day, like your microwave and fridge.

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Cell phone: The number one source of transmitting disease could be your phone. Our phones are constantly being touched and placed on surfaces all day. Before we can touch them, we bring them up to our faces. Your phone should be cleaned at least once per day, and when you return to your home.

Computer: Although you may not take your laptop outdoors, chances are that you use it daily. You could spread germs and pathogens to the keyboard and screen if your hands aren’t clean.

Light switches: Although we use light switches almost every day, they are often forgotten about when it comes time to clean. To prevent spreading the virus to your home, give your lamps and switches a good scrub at least once per day.

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Remotes: At least once per day, clean your TV remote and stereo remote.

Bags and accessories: Your bag, wallet and other accessories may come in contact with contaminated surfaces while you are at the store, or anywhere else. You may have to give someone your ID or credit card while you shop. These items should be wiped clean each day and every time you return home.

Your keys: Always carry your keys. When you return to your home from the outside, make sure to clean all remotes for your car and house keys.

Smart locks and panels: Do your smart locks or panels have smart security features? You probably touch your smart lock or panel multiple times per day if you have one. These gadgets should be cleaned daily.

These EPA-approved products can be used to kill coronavirus

Use approved and EPA-tested products to ensure that you are successfully eliminating the coronavirus.

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The EPA has compiled a list of disinfectant products. The list can be used to find common household products such as Lysol spray and Clorox bleach. This list will show you which surfaces each product can be used to disinfect. The product’s time to kill the virus is also shown.