Home Improvement

7 Best Strategies for Water Intrusion Prevention to Stop Basement Mold

Any place that has enough sources of water, organic feeding, and moisture can grow mold. It is not necessary that BNF Consulting mold is always visible rather if your basement looks dry, that may be affected with mold already. You might not know that there is mold growing behind the carpets, furniture, and walls. Normally mold happens in places where there has been water damage before.

There could be different types of water leakage and this leakage can lead to basic and severe moisture damage and thus cause an uncontrollable basement mold.

Basement mold could be of several types starting from simple easy to handle highly toxic mold which may make it unhealthy for people to live there. Mold invasions can also lead to severe allergies.  

Issues caused by basement mold

Basement mold can be really dangerous and it should be prevented. If somehow it happens, it should be controlled as soon as possible. People might be vulnerable to the basement molds and there could be serious complications related to it. Serious problems arising from basement mold include skin allergies, eye inflammation, asthma, fever, nasal congestion, and wheezing. Serious lung issues and pulmonary diseases could also be caused.

Basement mold can be complicated not only for health but could have several other complications too. It can spoil the wood furniture kept in the basement. It can weaken the beams and bearing walls. It can weaken your entire house’s walls internally. Mold should be prevented by trying different sources.

Basement mold usually arises from excessive moisture created by condensation of leaked foundations. Even some of the daily activities like drying clothes and cooking can cause mold in the basement.  

External sources to prevent water intrusion

Below mentioned are the key 7 external sources to prevent water intrusion in your basement:

1- Gutters

Gutters are significantly important in providing complete water control at your business or home. Gutters don’t only transfer water into the ground but they also help in water prevent water intrusion in the building and prevent serious damage to your home’s foundation.

Gutters can be of the following types:

  • K-style gutters

K-style gutters are also called Ogee gutters. These types of gutters are the most common because most of the households prefer installing K-styled gutters. K-styled gutters have more water holding capacity than rounded ones. They are durable and strong. They are cheap as compared to the other types of gutters.

  • Half rounded gutters
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Half rounded gutters are said to be the premium gutters as they have a long history and they are a perfect match to your home’s classy interior. They look decorative and are a bit expensive than the K-styled gutters. They have different styling and are broader than K-styled gutters. You have several finishing options in half rounded gutters.

2- Exterior ground grading

Any house could have drainage issues at any time but you have to try some ways to make sure that you prevent water drainage issues for the prevention of basement mold. If you have a home, you would have to try land grading so that your house wouldn’t suffer from drainage issues. Poor drainage can easily cause basement molds especially when there is no sufficient slope near the foundation. To make sure that there is proper ground grading, you need to make complete measurements.

A good ground grading is when the grading extends for about 6 inches from the first 10 feet from the house’s foundation. This is the perfect measurement to be on the safer side for preventing water intrusion.

3- Window well

The window well surrounding your basement window should be constructed from a strong and sturdy material likes metal, masonry, or pressure-treated wood so that there could be no water leakage from the exterior. The basic purpose of installing a window well surrounding the basement is to prevent the basement from any moisture damage. The window wells make sure that there is no soil near the foundation by providing complete drainage and grading of water.

High-quality window well covers should be used so that they can provide better protection from water intrusion. Double covers like plastic over a metal grade cover can be used for preventing debris and leakage from entering the basement.

4- Sprinkler systems

Sprinkler systems are normally installed in the basements to prevent fire breakage. The sprinkler systems are used to put out the fire using very less amount of water. Sprinkler system serves the same purpose as a fire brigade but they use hundreds of gallons rather than thousands.

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Sprinkler systems may leave water indoors which causes moisture problems later. Those moisture problems are needed to be addressed as soon as possible otherwise there may be basement mold. If any moisture problem happens in the basement, you immediately need to hire a restoration expert to find a solution. For solving the moisture issues caused by a sprinkler system, you first need to clear out the possession by shifting all the wood, clothes and other possessions to somewhere else. Use water pumps, air movers, and dehumidifiers to remove the water. At last dry, the area completely using the dehumidifiers and fans.

5- Foundation wall

Your foundation wall should be kept strong and crack free to prevent water drainage into the house. Waterproof sealers for this purpose can be used. Waterproof sealers are old and they can be applied on the interior walls of the basement but they are not the permanent solution. Waterproof sealers can block the water leakage but they cannot eliminate it. Trying preventive maintenance is always necessary to make sure that the issue doesn’t worsen.

You need to make sure that your splash blocks, downspouts, and gutters are working well to divert water at least 10 feet away from the house. You need to keep a continuous check on the landscape as well to make sure that the water isn’t draining towards your house. The basic purpose behind all this effort is to keep water away from the foundation wall as much as possible.

6- Exterior Faucets

Exterior faucets need your attention to prevent water leakage and basement mold. You may not always be free to check the faucets but keeping a regular check is important to make sure that there is no leakage. You can try some home remedies as well to stop the leakage temporarily but if you are unable to control it, purchase a new faucet and get it installed by a professional so that you can prevent mold.

7- Others

There might be many other issues that might cause a basement mold. All you can do is take precautions and take care of things that could cause this issue.

– Ensure proper drainage

You need to make sure that there is proper drainage so that no water reaches the foundation of your home. While you are doing ground grading, make sure that it is done away from the house so that the water remains away too. The soil should slope approximately within 10 ft. You can also add dense clay soil as it is useful in the prevention of moisture.

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– French drain system

Installing a French drain system is also a good idea. For this, you need to dig the trench and place a drain in it with perforations so that it can pull excessive water away from the foundations. Use gravel to cover the drain well and put soil on it. Don’t forget to make a downslope of the trench.

Having a properly functioning draining system at your house’s exterior is always the best idea to carry any excess water away from the foundation.

– Dry Wells

Rain before the existence of any building used to fall on the ground in the soil and there comes a time when the water can’t get drained into the soil because of enough moisture present in it. If the water isn’t controlled in a good manner, the water can run over, and start causing damages.

The same can happen with your yard, when the rainfalls, it first falls on the roof, then moves to the gutters, and at last drains into the soil. This is why dry wells are necessary to be installed to harness the gravity so that the water is controlled without causing any damage. This gives an accurate place for the water to drain out in the soil rather than crossing the lawn or entering the house’s foundations.

All these ways can help in preventing water intrusion to stop basement mold. There could be several other ways as well. You have to keep a regular check on water and moisture sources. Don’t miss even a single signal of water leakage or moisture as your single mistake could lead to unhandled basement molds. If you find even a minor leakage, treat it immediately before the condition worsens. If somehow the mold happens, you can also try ways to control it at your home otherwise contact a professional as he may handle it well.