
Tree and shrub fertilizer tips

Trees and shrubs in the wild do not require any additional fertilization. Undisturbed soil is full of organic matter that has been decomposed over many years. Many housing developers will cause soil to be disturbed during construction. The result is often a shadow or a loss of its original nutrient-rich self. Our practice of raking leaves, bagging lawn clippings, and putting them in bags means that there isn’t enough organic material to replenish the soil with nutrients.

Tree and shrub fertilizing in the wild. They won’t grow in areas that aren’t favorable to them. We like to plant trees and shrubs in urban areas where they will have the most aesthetic appeal, and not necessarily the type or variety that is best suited for space. Tree roots often become covered with grass, which can make it difficult for them to get water and nutrients.

For proper growth and development, trees and shrubs need a mix of 13 nutrients. There are many nutrients that can be used, such as water and oxygen. Spring and fall are the best times to fertilize shrubs and trees. You can fertilize trees up to December or November, depending on the weather. The tree can continue to absorb nutrients from the soil as long as it is not frozen.

Nutri-Lawn Vancouver understands that trees and shrubs are a large investment in landscaping. We can help you to protect your investment by providing tree and shrub care, including deep-root feeding. DeepFeed is a service that nourishes and waters the soil. This creates a healthy and strong rooting environment, which reduces both natural and man-made stress on your plants.

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These are signs that your trees and shrubs may need extra care to thrive next year.

Is your shrub or tree a mature one that produces very little growth? For instance, dwarf varieties aren’t supposed to grow rapidly.
Are older leaves becoming yellow or purplish?
Are the leaves’ edges becoming brown and crispy?
Are the leaves larger than they should be? Or are they lighter in color?
Retention and twig growth are reduced
Fall colors premature and leaves falling
These symptoms can be caused by disease, drought, or other infestations. Make sure you rule out any other possible causes. Often, the root cause is a lack of nutrients or fertilizer.

DeepFeed is a 2-visit program that includes a spring or fall Deep Root Injection with slow-release liquid fertilizer. This is a special blend of ornamental nutrients and beneficial bacteria that can be used for tree and shrub application.

Slow-release fertilizers allow plants to have more nutrients for a longer time. This means that fertilizer must be applied less frequently and has less chance of causing soil or groundwater damage.

The liquid soil injection technique uses high-pressure injection of slow-release liquid fertilizer 8-12 inches deep to ensure that the roots get the most nutrients possible and reach their full potential every year.

Nutri-Lawn Vancouver is proud to offer tree care and deep-root feeding. We understand that you have made an investment in your property. We want to help protect it. Deep Feed deep root feeding service provides nutrients and nutrition to the soil in order to promote optimal growth.

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