
The Most Popular Land Clearing Methods

You need to consider several factors before you make a decision on a Land Clearing Florida method.

How much land do you have? Do you have less than one acre or more than twenty acres?

Some techniques may not be feasible, cost-effective, or timely depending on how large the space is. You will need to consider how much time and money you can spend to make the property exactly what you want.

Grind and cut

For properties with fewer trees, the cut and grind method is best.

This is the first step in cutting and grinding. The first step is to remove the brush and weeds. You can do this with many tools depending on your space and available equipment, such as a root plow or brush mower.

Large machinery then takes down the trees and places them in a pile. This makes it easier to move them and then process them.

Equipment such as bulldozers, backhoes and trucks are needed to remove the stumps.

You can also mulch the stumps and spread them across the ground to improve the soil.

The second cut-and-grind method is a continuation of the last one: everything gets mulched. Forestry mowers are used to cut down trees up to medium size and then turn them into smaller pieces that can be spread over the land.


Pushover land clearing sounds exactly like it does: large-scale growth is pushed over with expensive machinery. The roots are left intact.

The efficiency of bulldozers is superior to other land clearing equipment in smaller and intermediate areas. It all depends on your budget and space.

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The technique involves pushing large trees and brush over. If necessary, the bulldozer or backhoe are used to clean up the remaining holes.

This method can cause soil erosion. This may not be possible if your trees are large. The roots of large trees will not only be a problem for your project, but also the tree itself.

Consider that the pushover method may be less expensive than bulldozing. This may not work if you are working with hardwood that is valuable.


Pullover was a good choice, even though it is named after the last technique.

Large anchor chains and large tractors are required for pulling. Attach chains to any matter, then attach them to the tractor and pull it away.

Remember that it is not possible to attach chains to any tractor and expect to move anything. There are limitations to every technique.

Pile and Burn

You’ve probably seen pile-and-burn farmers driving in the rural areas of Columbia County or Richmond County. It is simple, inexpensive, and timeless.

You basically clear land using a tractor, skidsteer, or any other tool you might need. You then move all the items into piles. Next, you will conduct a controlled fire.

This is an old tradition but there are some pitfalls. First, if you have a lot of material to burn, the fire can get quite large. This is not ideal for dry and windy climates.

Second, if you have a lot of tree roots, it may be more difficult to burn. Because soil sticks to most plants’ roots, this is a common problem.

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